
Tyson vs Paul – A Boxing Noob’s Opinion

todayNovember 14, 2024 97

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What is a boxing? 2 people legally “moering” each other?

Add some glitz and glam and yes, I suppose you’ve got competitive boxing! 

I grew up in a weird place when it comes to Mike Tyson and Jake Paul: I missed Tyson’s prime, and I’m too old to have given a crap about a social media “star” like Paul.

But even I can’t ignore this fight!

So lets get into it: My Opinion as a Boxing Noob!

  1. Tyson is scary as hell.
  2. Paul (like any upcoming boxer) has yet to get his shot where people give him credit.

Will Jake Paul get his credit on this fight? If he wins this, will people suddenly go “Ah yes, he can box!” 

My thoughts? NO!

Don’t get me wrong, the guy isn’t terrible and very clearly has talent!!! But he has yet to face a legit boxer. Not saying Tyson isn’t that, but as a 58 year old man, he isn’t the ear-chomping beast he once was.

So lets say Paul beats Tyson, people will see it as “You beat an old, past his prime, boxer…”

If he loses: “Lol! You lost to an old man!”

People love to hate Jake Paul… so for him to get his credit, he’ll need to pull off some monstrous fight!!!

On to Tyson:

He is still VERY scary! And having seen footage of him training for this fight, old as he is, there is not enough money in the world to make ME get in the ring with him! 

And that scary side of him, is still VERY much in there somewhere! Will it come out?

What about fitness, Tyson is clearly very fit and ready for this fight but having only seen snippets of training videos of him, will the older version of Mike be able to physically keep up with younger Jake Paul for the entire fight!?

Jake Paul vs. Mike Tyson (TV Special 2024) - IMDb

As you can tell, I am a NOOB when it comes to the sport of boxing… I just like the caveman “lets bl*ksem each other” side of it!

All I know is, it seems globally everyone is sharing the same sentiment: Tyson must take Paul’s head off!

I will say this though, I 100% give Jake his credit! Would YOU get in the ring with Tyson!?!?!

The fight is this Saturday 3Am Namibian Time streaming live on Netflix! 



Written by: Jacques

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