
Old School Vs New School Music – Which Is Better?

todayFebruary 21, 2025 25

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“The music back in my day was much better than this trash you hear on the radio today.” 

This is something I’ve heard more times than I can count.  If I had a cent for every time someone said it I wouldn’t be here writing this blog because I’d be out living on my million dollar yacht. 

However, despite hearing it all the time I never really paid it too much attention and just chalked it down to that cliché that everyone thinks everything was better back when they were growing up.  

BUT it seems there’s actually some truth to this idea that today’s music sucks compared to back in the day. 

 A study done  found that A golden age of popular music lasted from the 1960s to the 1990s, and the music that came from that time is much more memorable than today’s hits.  Not only that but Millennials enjoy that music much more than music released between 2000-2015. 

 See, in the study they played music from different eras and asked people, aged between 18 to 25, whether they recognized the songs or nah and one thing quickly became apparent – the songs from the 60s to the 90s were much more memorable.  What was particularly strange about this is the fact that millennials prefer music that came out long before they were even born. 

 So why is this the case?  Well here’s my theory… 

I think the music from that era is much more memorable because the music wasn’t as mass produced.  They put more effort into the art of making music as opposed to just making money. Whereas now music is very mainstream, mass produced and people don’t put in nearly as much effort, love and passion into it as they used to. 

 I mean, you simply have to compare one of Queen’s songs to a hit from today to see the two aren’t even remotely comparable.   

Written by: Sunet

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