
Is Jack Sparrow returning!? Maybe!!!

todayJanuary 8, 2025 72

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Over the holiday, I got tired of the same 3 programs and movies the streaming services have on offer, so I dug into my movie collection!

In between all the DVD’s I found all the Pirates of the Caribbean movies!

And I’ll be honest, despite all the drama with the Amber Turd vs Johnny “Mega Pint” Depp court case, you can’t deny, those movies are STILL great! 

Depp v Heard' review: Superficial doc gives too much voice to the  exploiters - Chicago Sun-Times

It has all the elements for a good movie:

  • Great actors.
  • Orlando Bloom is also there.
  • Hans Zimmer doing the soundtrack.
  • Buried treasure.
  • RUM.

There were 5 movies in total! And then the Depp vs. Heard drama went down!

Disney dropped Johnny Depp from the franchise, and like a sinking pirate ship the whole project went down into the depths… 

Until now! Word around the campfire is:

Disney has reportedly offered Johnny Depp a LUDICROUS amount of money, and a letter of apology in a bid to bring him back to the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. ⁠ The lucrative offer indicates Disney’s “willingness to mend fences” and (lets be honest) completely cash in on Johnny Depp’s insane popularity as Captain Jack Sparrow! After all, they’ll never be able to replace him, so why not try get the one and only!?
Fans have mixed reactions about the news, with some excited about his potential return and others critical of Disney’s previous actions.⁠ 

So… let’s talk money!!! Johnny Depp has been asked whether or not he would return to the franchise? 

He said he would… for nothing less than US$300 million! So, Disney took him up on his offer, and in the ULTIMATE Parlay move, 300 Million allegedly on the table!!!

Or, to remind you that you didn’t get a December bonus, and your money has to last until the 47th of January, let me put this in Namibian Dollar: 

  • N$ 5 609 520 000.00 

My feelings? Yes, another Pirates Movie with Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow would be AMAZING! But how Disney just dropped him is unforgiveable! That said, I’ve never been offered US$ 300 000 000 as an apology…

Nothing is confirmed, but where there’s smoke, there’s fire! 

Now… why is the Rum gone?

The Character of Jack Sparrow – Our Movie Life

Written by: Jacques

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