
Drain blocked by huge Pooh…

todayMarch 4, 2025 6

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Windhoek has been stinking of sewage lately… Like everywhere. 

The “river” behind Southport, literal had a drain overflowing into it! 

Are the drains blocked? Is that what is causing the smell in the air?

And if so, why are they blocked? People, you can’t flush EVERYTHING! 

It’s not just us in little ol’ Namibia suffering from blocked drains! 

Residents in a Scottish town found their drains blocked… guess by what? 

A giant pooh!!! 

A HUGE pooh was blocking the drains to the point that people were sent to remove it. (I hope they get paid VERY well!)

Imagine their horror stumbling across a pooh that size… about a meter big, yellow, wearing a red shirt… 

Someone had somehow shoved a giant Winnie the Pooh stuffed animal Teddy Bear down the drain causing the blockage!

Winnie the Pooh teddy in sewer 

(Christopher Robin, what have you done!?)

That image is both terrifying, and heartbreaking!

And if only it stopped there… Scottish Water reported such a variety of items blocking their drains, that you could stock up on supplies!

Toiletry supplies:

  • Cotton Buds
  • Nappies
  • Baby Wipes

Wardrobe supplies:

  • Shirts
  • Jeans
  • Shoes

For the kids:

  • Lots of toys

And now… for the completely random things:

  • False Teeth
  • A Fax Machine
  • A Pink Bicycle (HOW!?)

bike and fax machine in sewer

There were even reports of a boat motor being found in the drains!

Seems drain blockages are a massive issue in the country with Scottish Water spending upwards of N$ 165 000 000 a year to sort these issues!

Hey Scotland… heard of recycling? Or you know… a dustbin?

Written by: Jacques

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